Embracing confidence in a new career

Lori's Story

After securing a much-desired position as Senior Counsel in the Pharmaceutical industry, Lori faced the daunting task of transitioning into a new role in a less-familiar career industry.Ā 

DespiteĀ Lori'sĀ extensive professional background, she was plagued with self-doubt and questions about how to assert her presence in her new career. That's when she reached out to sign-up for career coaching sessions, where we helped Lori become more confident and have a seamless career shift.

Digging Deeper: Uncovering Inner Strengths with Guidance

We began Lori's transformative work by identifying her core values and strengths. Through 1on1 sessions, we enabled Lori to reconnect with her personal attributes in a manner she had not considered before. By customizing an onboarding plan for Lori, integrating her values and strengths into key talking points, we helped her facilitate a powerful introduction to her new organization. The coaching we did with Lori was not just about refining skills but more about instilling the belief that she could contribute meaningfully to her new workplace without hesitation.

Life with a Coach: Sustainable Success and Growth

Lori realized the importance of her unique perspective and how it added value to her new work.
The strategy of intertwining personal values with professional goals became the backbone for Loriā€™s successful transition. She was able to onboard with confidence and joy, rather than feeling doubtful and apologetic.

Post-coaching, Lori saw significant positive changes in her life and career. Regular weekly sessions helped her navigate initial challenges and celebrate her growing confidence and achievements. Her personalized company onboarding plan turned into an actionable strategy, helping herĀ build trust and bonds with her new colleagues, as well as attain their business objectives.

Moreover, the personal life coaching provided by CORE Rising set Lori on a course for continued success, both personally and professionally.Ā 

Advice from a Coachee: Why you should try out coachingĀ 

Lori attributes her joyful and assured leap into her new career to the help she received through coaching. Emphasizing the benefits of our coaching approach, she advocates strongly for other leaders to try engaging with coaching services.

For Lori, professional coaching transcends job search support; it is a catalyst for profound personal growth and empowerment. Whether you are looking for a job or stepping into a new one, coaching is an invaluable resource for anyone preparing for their next career evolution. Core Rising has helped set Lori on a course for continued success, both personally and professionally.